Author Topic: TIMPANIQUOTESPAGE1  (Read 27 times)


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« on: March 06, 2017, 09:57:33 pm »
Geez, H, you really like pretending, don'tcha? That's suuuuuuuper melodramatic, even for you. Haha, you must've really been bored.

The toxicity levels of this world's inhabitants are beyond my comprehension. If you do not mind me asking, would it be any trouble to simply remove all of these terrible creatures from this dimension and place them somewhere productive? Say, Hell?

I appreciate your support, Mister Sammer.
(well haunter i detained most of those devils. i deleted their accounts and banned their ips. However I did not ban King, Fort Francis, Sammer's Kingdom, Gloam Valley... you'll see.)

I propose a little bit of fun.

Do not be afraid. No harm will come to you if you behave.

The rules are simple. You run until I catch you.

What happens then?

I cannot say. Even I have trouble holding on to this world's physical inhabitants. But rest assured: It will not be fun.

Not for you, at any rate.

Welcome to my little haunt. My special place. My personal safe haven. It is mine to rule and mine to cherish. It is mine to say whose mind is corrupt and whose is pure. Before this is over, you will understand. I am the shadow. I am the thought. I am the shiver that slinks and slides and slogs up your back and rests on your neck like a bat.

When this world is ashes, and nothing remains, I will be.

This will be very interesting. Wouldn't you agree, King Sammer?

What sort of entertainment is this? Do people such as yourself actually derive some sort of pleasure from antics such as these?

I am quite surprised that you have been able to stay so sane despite having numerous accounts. Is that an extension of your multiple personalities, or are you just lonely?

I am inclined to think the former.

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